Viacheslav Barsukov



Prof. Dr.Viacheslav Barsukov


Faculty of Chemical and Biopharmaceutical Technologies

Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design

Nemyrovycha-Danchenka Street, 2, Kyiv 01011, Ukraine

Date and place of birth: 05.06.1948, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine



Personal information:

Professor, Dr. Sc. (in Chemistry), PhD (in Chemistry)


Citizenship: Ukrainian.

Position: Head of Department for Electrochemical Power Engineering and Chemistry




Engineer-technologist/ Honors Diploma

Dnepropetrovsk Chemical-Technology University/ (DChTU)



Ph.D. (Chemistry)

Senior Researcher (Chemistry)/

DChTU, Dnepropetrovsk

DChTU, Dnepropetrovsk




Dr.Sc. (Chemistry)

Professor (Electrochemistry)

DChTU, Dnepropetrovsk

Institute of General & Inorganic Chemistry of  the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv

Work Experience


Engineer, Researcher

DChTU, Dnepropetrovsk


Senior Researcher

DChTU, Dnepropetrovsk


Head of Research Laboratory

DChTU, Dnepropetrovsk


Full Professor

DChTU, Dnepropetrovsk


Head of the Department for Rechargeable Electrochemical Power Sources

Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences, Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry (IGICh), Kyiv

1998- to the present time

Head of the Department for Electrochemical Power Engineering & Chemistry

Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design (KNUTD)


Scientific areas of interests: Electrochemical Power Sources; Materials for Lithium-Ion batteries; Non-Pt

Catalysts for Fuel Cells and Metal-Air batteries; Hybrid Electrochemical Capacitors; Electromagnetic Shielding

Professional Awards, Fellowships, Honors

1st Prize of the Patent & Innovation Agency (PINA) Competition, Germany, 1994;

Honor Diploma of Argonne National Laboratory, Chicago, IL, USA, 2003;

The Queen Jadwiga Fellowship, Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland, 2004;

Honor Diplomas of Mayor of Kyiv city, Ukraine, 2005; 2015;

Honorable award “For scientific achievements”, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, 2008

Honored Science & Technology Worker of Ukraine, Decree of the President of Ukraine of 20.01.2018


Membership of the Journal Editorial Boards, Professional Societies, Academies

Member of the Editorial Board for Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry (2000-2004); Journal of Energy and Power Sources, USA (since 2015), Easten-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies (since 2018), Bulletin of Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design (since 2010)

Member of the International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE), the Electrochemical Society (ECS);

ISE National Secretary for Ukraine (1995-1997; 1998-2000); ISE Regional Representative for Ukraine (2003–2005; 2006-2008)

Fellow of the International Academy of Computer Sciences and Systems (Head of Department for Modeling of Power Engineering Systems); Fellow of the Ukrainian Ecological Academy of Sciences

Research trainings

2006 (one month) Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in frame of bilateral Ukraine-Greek project 

2013-2015 (total 3 months)/ Solvay SA company, Brussels in frame of Marie Curie ActionsIndustry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways (IAPP) for FP7 “Energy Caps

The main International Research Grants/Projects:


Grant name (short name). Terms.

Research Program, Function in the grant

Main partner


Process Development: Low Cost, Continuous Nano-Scale Purification Technology of Powdered Carbonaceous Materials for Applications in Electrochemical Energy Storage Systems. Partner project # ANL-T2-0229-UA/P-154; 2006-2010;

Partner project  # P- 588; 2013-2015.

US DOE’s Initiatives for Proliferation Prevention (IPP),

Partner Projects.

KNUTD team leader

Dr. Jim Noble,  US Department of Energy (DOE),

Dr. N. Gopalsami, Argonne National Laboratory,

Mr. E. Carney, President of Superior Graphite Co., Chicago, USA

Dr. Joe Doninger, President of Dontech Global Co., Chicago, USA


Novel Type Electrocatalysts for Fuel Cells and Air-Metal batteries 

Bi-lateral cooperation,

Ukraine - Greece, KNUTD team leader

Prof.Dr. G. Kokkinidis,

Prof.Dr. S. Sotiropoulos, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece


lonic Liquid based Lithium Batteries (ILLIBATT). 2007-2010.


The 6th Framework Programme of the European Community, KNUTD team leader

Prof.Dr. M. Winter, Graz University (Austria) and 6 other partners from Italy, Spain, Germany, Austria, France and Sweden


Advanced Fluorinated Materials for High Safety, Energy and Calendar Life Lithium Ion Batteries (AMELIE).2011-2013.

The 7th Framework Programme of the European Community, KNUTD team leader

Dr. Thierry Baert, SOLVAY (Belgium) and 9 other European partners


Development of novel SOlid MAterials for high power Li polymer BATteries (SOMABAT). Recyclability of components. 2011-2013.

The 7th Framework Programme of the European Community, KNUTD team leader

Dr. Mayte Gil, Instituto de Tecnología Eléctrica (ITE), Spain and 10 other European partners


Lithium-Air Batteries with split Oxygen Harvesting and Redox processes (LABOHR). 2011-2014.

The 7th Framework Programme of the European Community, KNUTD team leader

Prof.Dr. Stefano Passerini, Wilhelms-Universitaet Muenster (WWU), Germany and 11 other partners


Development of a sustainable and safe hybrid supercapacitor with high specific energy and maintained high specific power and cyclability (Energy Caps).


The 7th Framework Programme of the European Community, KNUTD team leader

Dr. Fernand Gauthy, SOLVAY (Belgium) and 4 other European partners


Nanostructured composite paints for electronics electromagnetic shielding, SPS project number: G5477.



NATO Science for Peace & Security Programme, Ukrainian team leader

Prof.Dr. Emmanouel Koudoumas

Technological Educational Institute of Crete (TEI of Crete), Greece

Publications and Patents: more than 540, including books – 8, papers in refereed journals – more than 160; patents – 30; presentations at the international scientific meetings – more than 200, particularly more than 30 oral and key invited presentations.

Selected Monographs, book chapters, journal Special issues (Scopus, WoS):

1. New Promising Electrochemical Systems for Rechargeable Batteries/ V. Barsukov, F. Beck (Eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands,ISBN 978-94-009-1643-2;1st printed edition – 1996, 2nd electronic edition – 2013. - 527 pages.

2. New Carbon Based Materials for Electrochemical Energy Storage System/ I. Barsukov, Ch. Johnson, J. Doninger, V. Barsukov (Eds.), Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 2006. ISBN 978-1-4020-4812-8. – 523 pages.

3. Materials Today: Proceedings (special issue):  3rd ISE Satellite Student Regional Symposium on Electrochemistry in Ukraine – Promising Materials and Processes in Applied Electrochemistry-2018, 18th April, 2018, Ukraine (special issue) / Edited by V. Barsukov, V. Khomenko, O. Linyucheva, Yu. Borysenko. – V. 6, Part 2, 2019, рр. 25-304;

4. Development of Novel Solid Materials for High Power Li Polymer Batteries / L.Zubizarreta,  M.Gil-Agustí, M.Garcia, A.Quijano, A.F.Léonard, N.Job, R.Renzoni, A.Léonard, M.Cifrain, F.Pilcher, V.Khomenko, V.Z.Barsukov, [et al.]   // Chapter 2 in the book: Electric Vehicle Batteries: Moving from Research towards Innovation, Reports of the PPP European Green Vehicles Initiative, E.Briec, B.Müller (Eds.), Springer International Publishing, Switzerland,  — 2015. — pp. 19-32; ISBN 978-3-319-12706-4.

5. Promising Materials and Processes in Technical Electrochemistry: Monograph / V.Z. Barsukov, Yu.V. Borysenko, O.I. Buket, V.G. Khomenko;. Kyiv.: KNUTD, 2016. ISBN 978-966-7972-61-5. – 284pages.

6. Promising Materials and Processes in Applied Electrochemistry/ Ed’s: V.Z. Barsukov, Yu.V. Borysenko, O.V. Linyucheva, I.V. Senyk, V.G. Khomenko; Kyiv, KNUTD, 2017 - 270 pages; ISBN 978-966-7972-79-0;

7. Promising Materials and Processes in Applied Electrochemistry  ̶ 2018 / V.Z. Barsukov, Yu.V. Borysenko, V.G. Khomenko, I.V. Linyucheva; Кyiv. KNUTD.2018. ISBN 978-617-7506-24-8.- 310 p.

8. Promising Materials and Processes in Applied Electrochemistry - 2019: Monograph / V.Z. Barsukov, Yu.V. Borysenko, V.G. Khomenko, I.V. Linyucheva; Кyiv. KNUTD. - 2019. ISBN 978-617-7506-48-4. - 285 p.

Selected papers (Scopus, WoS):

1. A. Balducci, S.S. Jeong, G.T. Kim, S. Passerini, M. Winter, M. Schmuck, G.B. Appetecchi, R. Marcilla, D. Mecerreyes, V. Barsukov, V. Khomenko, I. Cantero, I. De Meatza, M. Holzapfel, N. Tran. Development of safe, green and high performance ionic liquids-based batteries (ILLIBATT project)// J. Power Sources. – 2011. – Vol. 196, No 22 – P. 9719-9730.

2. V. Khomenko, K.  Lykhnytskyi, V.  Barsukov, V.  Chaban. Composite Catalysts towards Oxygen Reduction in Aqueous Solutions // Key Engineering Materials —  2013. —  v. 559, — pp. 57-62.

3. C. Arbizzani, F. De Giorgio, L. Porcarelli, M. Mastragostino, V. Khomenko, V. Barsukov, D. Bresser, S. Passerini. Use of non-conventional electrolyte salt and additives in high-voltage graphite/LiNi0.4Mn1.6O4 batteries // Journal of Power Sources, —  2013. —  v.  238, — pp.17-20.

4. V.G. Khomenko,K.V. Lykhnytskyi, V.Z. Barsukov. Oxygen reduction at the surface of polymer/carbon and polymer/carbon/spinel catalysts in aqueous solutions // Electrochimica Acta, —  2013. —  v. 104, — pp. 391-399.

5. V. Khomenko, V.  Barsukov, I.  Senyk. Electrochemical Properties of Advanced Anodes for Lithium-ion Batteries Based on Carboxymethylcellulose as binder // Key Engineering Materials, —  2013. —  v. 559, —  pp. 49-55.

6. Modeling of porous graphite electrodes of hybride electrochemical capacitors and lithium-ion batteries/ V. Barsukov,  F. Langouche, V. Khomenko, I. Makyeyeva, O. Chernysh, F. Gauthy,   J. Solid State Electrochemistry  ̶  2015. – v. 19, ̶  No. 9  ̶  pp. 2723-2732; 

7. A. S. Katashynski , V. Z. Barsukov , V. G. Khomenko, Reduction of molecular oxygen on the surface of transition metal complex oxide // Mat.-wiss. u. Werkstofftech. – 2016 – Vol. 47 – P. 112-119.

8. Composite materials for protection against electromagnetic microwave radiation / I. V. Senyk, V. Z. Barsukov, B. M. Savchenko, K. L. Shevchenko, V. P. Plavan, Yu. V. Shpak and O. A. Kruykova // Materials Science and Engineering (IOP Conf. Series). – 2016. – V. 111. – ID 012026. doi:10.1088/1757-899X/111/1/012026 – 6 pages.

9. Green Alternative binders for high-voltage electrochemical capacitors [Ел. ресурс] / V. Khomenko, V. Barsukov, O. Chernysh, I.Makyeyeva, S. Isikli and F. Gauthy// Materials Science and Engineering (IOP Conf. Series). – 2016. – V. 111. – ID 012025. doi:10.1088/1757-899X/111/1/012025 – 7 pages.

10. C/C composite anodes for long-life lithium-ion batteries/ L. Zubizarreta, M.Gil-Agustí, V.,Khomenko, V.,Barsukov // J. Solid State Electrochemistry - 2017. – v. 21 – No 9 - doi: 10.1007/s10008-017-3702-4.

11. Leire Zubizarreta, Mayte Gil-Agustí, Volodymyr Khomenko, Viacheslav Barsukov. C/C composite anodes for long-life lithium-ion batteries. - Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry. - 2017, V. 21, No 12, pp 3557–3566.

12. P.S. Smertenko, N.M. Roshchina, D.A. Kuznetsova, V.Z. Barsukov, G. Wisz. Vitamin B12-functionalized patterned Si surface for solar energy conversion. - Semiconductor Physics, Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 2018, v. 21, No 2, pp. 206-210.  (Web of Science).

13. V. Barsukov,  I. Senyk, O. Kryukova,  O. Butenko.  Composite Carbon-Polymer Materials for Electromagnetic Radiation Shielding. - Materials Today: Proceedings, v. 5, No. 8, Part 1, 2018, pp. 15909-159014. 

14. O. Chernysh, V. Khomenko, I. Makyeyeva, V. BarsukovEffect of binder’s solvent on the electrochemical performance of electrodes for lithium-ion batteries and supercapacitors // Materials Today: Proceedings:  3rd ISE Satellite Student Regional Symposium on Electrochemistry in Ukraine – Promising Materials and Processes in Applied Electrochemistry-2018, 18th April, 2018, Ukraine (special issue) / Edited by V. Barsukov, V. Khomenko, O. Linyucheva, Yu. Borysenko. – V. 6, Part 2, 2019, pp. 42-47. 

15. V. Khomenko, V. Barsukov. Lithium-Ion Capacitor for Photovoltaic Energy System // Materials Today: Proceedings:  3rd ISE Satellite Student Regional Symposium on Electrochemistry in Ukraine – Promising Materials and Processes in Applied Electrochemistry-2018, 18th April, 2018, Ukraine (special issue) / Edited by V. Barsukov, V. Khomenko, O. Linyucheva, Yu. Borysenko. – V. 6, Part 2, 2019, pp. 116-120. 

16. O. Butenko, V. Boychuk, B. Savchenko, V. Kotsyubynsky, V. Khomenko, V. BarsukovPure ultrafine magnetite from carbon steel wastes // Materials Today: Proceedings:  3rd ISE Satellite Student Regional Symposium on Electrochemistry in Ukraine – Promising Materials and Processes in Applied Electrochemistry-2018, 18th April, 2018, Ukraine (special issue) – V. 6, Part 2, 2019, pp. 270-278. 

17. S. Kobylianska,  D. Demchuk, V. Khomenko,  V. Barsukov, A. Belous. Surface modification of the LiNi0,5Co0,2Mn0,3O2 cathode by a protective interface layer of Li1,3Ti1,7Al0,3(PO4)3 // Journal of the Electrochemical Society, v. 166(10), 2019, pp. A1920-A1925.

 Teaching experience:

The teaching experience is more than 22 years and includes the following disciplines to students of the Faculty of Chemical and Biopharmaceutical Technologies: Physical Chemistry, Electrochemistry, Physical-chemical methods in the development of electrochemical power sources, Alternative electrochemical systems, Chemical Technologies: theory of processes and phenomens, etc.

Textbooks selected for the teaching of a course of Physical chemistry:

1. Atkins’ Physical Chemistry (2018)/ P. Atkins, J. de Paula and J. Keeler, 11th edition, Oxford University Press – 908 pages.

2. Physical Chemistry (2007)/ V.L. Chumak, S.V. Ivanov, National Aviation University, Kyiv (in Ukraine) – 648 pages.

3. Physical Chemistry in Brief (2005)/ A. Malijevsky et al., Institute of Chemical Technology, Faculty of Chemical Engineering, Prague – 466 pages.