Mykhailo Rudenko


Member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine

             Member of the International Organization of Museum Workers (ICOM)

Member of the of the Union of Artists of Berlin (VBK)



Republican Art High School (1989)

National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture (1986)



Professional activities


Member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine



Chief specialist of the exhibition department of the National Museum Sofia Kyivska.


Assistant Professor of The Department of Drawing and Painting in The Kyiv National University of Technology and Design

2009 – to date


Associate Professor of The Department of Drawing and Painting in The Kyiv National University of Technology and Design


The total scientific and teaching experience in higher educational establishments is 10 years.


Research activities

Articles in scientific professional journals in cultural and arts sciences, approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and included in international scientific and metric bases – 7;

Articles in scientific periodicals abroad – 2;

Articles in other scientific publications and collections of conference materials – 10;


Google scholar


Methodical activity:

Rudenko M.F. (2017). Corporate identity Kiev: KNUTD [in Ukrainian];

A set of teaching materials for the courses Painting, Composition of graphics, Educational practice, Fundamentals of drawing and graphics for undergraduate. 2008-2013 Kiev: KNUTD [in Ukrainian];

            A set of teaching materials for undergraduate Drawing.

Creative activity

Participation in Art Exhibitions:

Since 1993, has been a regular participant in the National Art Exhibitions of the National Union of Ukraine.



Organizer and participant in the International Cultural and Artistic Projects:

  1. International Cultural and Art Project  Szemelyes TerArtwork. Budapest, Hungary.2017.

  2. International cultural and artistic project DRAWN-IN 2 Q Art salon. Los Angeles. USA. 2017.

  3. International cultural and artistic project Fragmentierte Erzahlungen: Berlin-Sofia By Verein Berliner Kunstler / artwork. Sofia, Bulgaria.2017.

  4. International cultural and art project GALERIE PEHBOCK, a work of art.Vienna.Austria.2017

  5. International cultural and artistic project.Galeri Lisi Hammerle / artwork. Berlin.Germany.2017.

  6. International cultural and artistic project by Verein Berliner Kunstler / Berlin.Germany.2017.

  7. August 14 - 26, 2018All-Ukrainian exhibition for Independence Day of Ukraine Central Bank of Kyiv

  8. October 12 - 28, 2018All-Ukrainian exhibition for the Day of the Artist, associated with the 80th anniversary of the founding of the Union of Artists of Ukraine.

  9. . Participation as an expert in the project at the First National TV Show «ТЕЛЕАКАДЕМІЯ»   2018

  10. 2. Participation in the program (presenter, expert) About art of the TV-station Obriy .2018

  11. Electronic resource]: methodical instructions Watercolor technique for students of full-time and correspondence form of study direction 6.02020701 Design (by types) / emphasis: MF Rudenko. - K.: KNUTD, 2018 - 20 p. 2. [Electronic resource]: methodical instructions Outlines as a basis in drawing education to the performance of independent work for students of full-time and correspondence form of specialty 8.02020701 Design (by types) / emphasis: MF Rudenko. - K.: KNUTD, 2018

  12. GALERIE PEHBOCK International Cultural and Art Project Vienna, Austria.April 2018 (23.0411.06)

  13. Személyes tér International Cultural and Art Project Budapest, Hungary. September 2018.

  14. - VIII All-Ukrainian Biennale of the historical genre Ukraine from Trypillya to the Present in Images of Contemporary Artists, January 19, 18,

  15. - II All-Ukrainian Exhibition of Female Portrait, 02.03.18,

  16. - XVII All-Ukrainian Easter Exhibition of Decorative and Applied Arts The World of God as Easter,03.04.18, Uzhgorod,

  17. - All-Ukrainian Exhibition Graphics-2018 Kharkov, 02.04.18,

  18. - II All-Ukrainian Biennale The Art of Fire, April 27, 18,

  19. - All-Ukrainian Exhibition Picturesque Unraina, May 17, 18, Mariupol,

  20. - All-Ukrainian Exhibition Graphics-2018 Triennial Graphics 08.06.18,

  21. - All-Ukrainian Exhibition for Independence Day of Ukraine, August 14, 18,

  22. - XII All-Ukrainian play. The Charming Colors of the Dnieper September 11, 18, Dnipro,

  23. - All-Russian Exhibition to the Day of the Artist 12.03.18,

  24. - All-Ukrainian play. Ukrainian Volksmodern, 04.10.18, Chernivtsi,

  25. - I All-triennial «Art Nova», 21.11.18, Kremenchug

  26. - All-Ukrainian Christmas Exhibition, December 21, 18,

  27. - II All-Ukrainian exhibition Sea of watercolors, December 10, 18, Odessa

  28. GRUPPENA • BERLIN - PRAGUE Collaboration between VBK and the NSPU New Zealand Artists Association in Prague: 2.5.-31.5.2018 / two exhibition venues (NSPU Gallery and Bauakademie Praha) Participants: Sandra Becker, Katherine Burdon, Mikhailen Rudolf, Mikhail Ruden Ina Lindemann, Sebastian Cosenberg, Maria Korporal, Sabina Schneider

  29. GALERIE VEREIN BERLINER KÜNSTLER VBK Artists: Sandra Becker, Yun-Suk Keppel, Sebastian Cuzenberg, Inna Lindemann, Sabina Schneider, Andrea Sander-Plassmann, Mikhail Rudenko, Simone Kornfeld Exposure: Simone Kornveld July 7, 2018

  30. International cultural and artistic project «R-EVOLUTION. SUPREMATISM. MAYDAN »(Kyiv, National Union of Architects of Ukraine, February 20-March 20, 2015)

  31. R-EVOLUTION International Cultural and Art Project (Huesca, CDAN Museum, April 17-24, 2015)

  32. Coleccion Arte Ucrania International Cultural and Art Project (Soria, Palacio de la Audiencia, May 5-June 6, 2016)

  33. 2016. 3Robots 2.III All-Ukrainian Exhibition of Abstract Painting

  34. 04/27-14 May 2016 Kyiv-Central Bank

  35. Masterpieces of Art 2784 Deep Canyon Dreive Beverly Hills. CA90210.

  36. United States. July 2016.

  37. Active Leisure Family Leisure Festival 20.05.2016

  38. International Living and Art Cultural Project GORMLEYS Gallery (Berlin) September 2016.

  39. All-Ukrainian exhibitions within the project ways of the national elite of Hlukhiv city, Uzhgorod 2016.

  40. International cultural and artistic project from the Ukrainian-Chinese Cultural Center. Kiev, April 2017.

  41. Személyes tér International Cultural and Art Project Budapest, Hungary. 2017.

  42. Q Art salon international cultural and artistic project. DRAWN-IN2 Los Angeles United States.

  43. International cultural and artistic project Fragmentierte Erzählungen: Berlin-Sofia

  44. From Verein Berliner Kunstler / Sofia, Bulgaria.

  45. GALERIE PEHBOCK International Cultural and Art Project Vienna, Austria. 2017.

  46. Galerie Lisi Hämmerle International Cultural and Art Project Berlin. Germany 2017

  47. International cultural project by Verein Berliner Kunstler Berlin. Germany 2017

  48. I am a member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine.1990-2019

  49. I am part of the Union of Artists of Berlin (VBK)2017-2019

  50. I am a member of the International Organization of Museum Workers (ICOM) 2016-2019

  51. I have students at the Academy of Arts of Budapest (Hungary), Sorbonne8 (France), Kyiv National University of Technology and Design (Ukraine).


Personal exhibitions:

Museum of the Kyiv National University of Technology and Design (Ukraine, 2007),

Centro Civico Delicias (Spain, Zaragoza, 2015),

Museum of Sofia Kyivska. (Ukraine, Kyiv, 2015).