
Ph.D. in Art Studies
Member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine
Republican Art High School (1992)
National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture (1998)
Postgraduate Studies in The National Academy of Culture and Arts Management (2014-2017)
Academic degree
Ph.D. in Art Studies
Professional activities
2000 | Instructor of The Department of Drawing and Painting in The Kyiv National University of Technology and Design |
2003 | Member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine |
2003-2008 | Assistant Professor of The Department of Drawing and Painting in The Kyiv National University of Technology and Design |
2008 – to date
| Associate Professor of The Department of Drawing and Painting in The Kyiv National University of Technology and Design |
The total scientific and teaching experience in higher educational establishments is 19 years.
Research activities
Articles in scientific professional journals in cultural and arts sciences, approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and included in international scientific and metric bases – 8;
Articles included in Scopus, Web of Science – 2;
Articles in scientific periodicals abroad – 2;
Articles in other scientific publications and collections of conference materials – 18;
• Award in the scientific competition Intelligence of the young - for the service of the capital (2005).
ORCID http://orcid.org/0000-0001-8012-6946
Google scholar https://scholar.google.com.ua/citations?user=6UZLs1wAAAAJ&hl=ru&authuser=3
Methodical activity:
Dubrivna, A. P. (2007). Basics of plain-air painting. Kyiv: KNUTD [in Ukrainian];
Complex of educational and methodological materials for a courses Painting, Composition of graphics, Educational practice, Basic of drawing and graphics for the bachelor course. 2008-2013. Kyiv: KNUTD [in Ukrainian];
Complex of educational and methodological materials for bachelor course Drawing. 2014. (Certificate of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine N / A №0489 / 2 RJ) [in Ukrainian];
Complex of educational and methodological materials for bachelor course Basic of environment design. 2014. (Certificate of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine №0506 / 5 RJ) [in Ukrainian];
Dubrivna, A. P. (2013). Interior and furniture design. Basic and types of image. Kyiv: KNUTD [in Ukraine].
Creative activity
Participation in Art Exhibitions:
Since 1993, has been a regular participant in the National Art Exhibitions of the National Union of Ukraine.
Participation in Art Symposiums:
Simeiz (2002), Alupka (2004), Castropol (2003), Sichavka (2009) in Ukraine; Batumi (2010) in Georgia; Istanbul (2011) in Turkey.
Organizer and participant in the International Cultural and Artistic Projects:
ABSTRACIONES ENCONTRADAS (Spain, Zaragoza, Centro Civico Delicias, 2013);
ASPANOA (Spain, Zaragoza, Pablo Cyrano Museum, 2014);
R-EVOLUTION. SUPREMATISM. MAYDAN (Ukraine, Kyiv, National Union of Architects of Ukraine, 2015);
R-EVOLUTION (Spain, Huesca, CDAN Museum, 2015);
ARTE UKRANIA (Spain, Zaragoza, Centro Cívico Delicias, 2015);
COLECCION ARTE UKRANIA (Spain, Soria, Palacio de la Audiencia, 2016);
Personal exhibitions:
Museum of the Kyiv National University of Technology and Design (Ukraine, 2005),
Centro Civico Delicias (Spain, Zaragoza, 2015),
Museum of V. Kosenko (Ukraine, Kyiv, 2017).
• Award of Educational Glory at the International Forum The Current State of Education and Science in Ukraine. Development of strategy at the II National Congress of Educators (2016)
• Award of Beregunya of Ukraine of the National Project “I am Ukrainian”, with the support of representatives of the Administration of the President of Ukraine, the Parliament of Ukraine and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (2017)
• Certificate of Honor from the National Union of Artists of Ukraine (2017)
• Award of Educational Glory at the International Forum The Current State of Education and Science in Ukraine. Development of strategy » at the IV National Congress of Educators (2018).