
Faculty of Chemical and Biopharmaceutical Technologies
Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design
Nemyrovycha-Danchenka Street, 2, Kyiv 01011, Ukraine
Date of birth 31/01/1949
e-mail: wayfarer14@ukr.net
Personal information:
Dr. Olga Andreyeva
Citizenship: Ukrainian
Position: Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences
1966–1971Kiev Technological Institute of Light Industry (chemical engineer in Leather and fur technology, diploma with honours)
1977–1980Kiev Technological Institute of Light Industry (postgraduate studies, PhD in Leather and fur technology, diploma)
2001–2004Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design (doctoral studies, Doctor of technical sciences in Leather and fur technology, diploma)
Work Experience
1971-1977 | Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of Leather and Shoe Industry, Engineer |
1977-1980 | Kiev Technological Institute of Light Industry (now Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design), Postgraduate Student |
1980-1987 | Kiev Technological Institute of Light Industry, Assistant |
Kiev Technological Institute of Light Industry, Senior Lecturer | |
1989-2001 | Kiev Technological Institute of Light Industry (State Academy of Light Industry of Ukraine /1993-1999/, Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design /from 2001/), Associate Professor |
2001-2003 | Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design, Doctoral Student |
2004-2005 | Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design, Associate Professor |
2005-2013 | Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design, Professor |
2013-2014 | Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design, Dean of the Faculty of Chemical and Biopharmaceutical Technologies |
2014 – current time | Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design, Professor |
Recent training
September-October 2014 | AT «Farmak», Production Support Department and Production Organization Department, Ukraine (report, minutes of the meeting of the Department of Biotechnology, Leather and Fur KNUTD) |
January-June 2014 | Advanced training courses «Pedagogical skills as a science and art of pedagogical activity» of scientific and pedagogical employees of the university, Ukraine (certificate) |
March 2020 – current time | Biology and Medicine Institute Science Educational Center of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Department of Biochemistry, Ukraine |
Recent publications
1. Nataliia Pervaia, Olga Andreyeva, Lesia Maistrenko, Larysa Ocheretna. Thermophysical and Functional-consumer Qualities of Shoe Upper Leather. Journal of the Society of Leather Technologists and Chemists. 2020. №1. Р. 19–24. Scopus
2. Nataliia Raksha, Tetiana Halenova, Tetiana Vovk, Olexiy Savchuk, Olga Andreyeva, Anna Nikonova, Tetiana Kolesnyk. The collagen state within the parchment after influence of artificial aging // Leather and Footwear Journal. – 2019. – Vol. 19, №2. – Р. 141–148. Scopus
3. Andreieva O.A., Gryshchenko I.M., Zvarych I.T. Features of leather and fur materials: Education publication. – K. : Svit Uspichu, 2019. – 376 p.
4. N. Pervaia, O. Andreyeva, L. Maistrenko, O. Mokrousova, S. Harkavenko, A. Nikonova. A unified technology of Crust leather production using polymeric compounds development. Leather and footwear journal. 2019. Vol. 19, №3. P. 193-202. Scopus
5. T. Kolesnyk, O. Andreyeva, A. Nikonova and O. Savchuk. Impact of aging and sweat action on properties of parchment as a biopolymer of animal origin of aging. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. 2019. Vol. 500. Р. 1–6. Scopus
6. Y. Fordzyun, O. Andreyeva, L. Maistrenko. Polymeric and natural leather materials combined usage for shoe production: Multi-authored monograph «Advanced Polymer Materials and Technologies: theory and practice». Ukraine: Kiev National University of the Technology and Design, 2018. Р. 118-123.
7. Olga Andreyeva, Anna Nikonova, Lesia Maistrenko. Investigation on Polymer-Mineral Tanned Leather Properties. Solid State Phenomena. 2017. Vol. 267. Р. 98-102. Scopus
Teaching experience:
• On the whole, the teaching experience is 40 years and currently includes six subjects that are taught to students and graduates of the Department of Biotechnology, Leather and Fur.
• In particular, the following disciplines are taught: Physics and chemistry of proteins (for bachelors), Physics and chemistry of natural biologically active compounds (for bachelors), Modern trends in the development of leather and fur production (for masters), Processing of waste from leather and fur production (for masters), Resource conservation and environmental technologies of industry enterprises (for graduates), Modern methods for assessing the structure and properties of leather and fur materials (for graduates).
Research interests and hands-on experience in experimental work:
• Scientific bases and development of resource-saving, ecologically oriented technologies of production of leather and fur with use of modern polyfunctional materials.
Textbooks selected for the teaching of a course «Chemistry and Histology of Raw Hide»:
• O.A. Andreieva, I.M., Gryshchenko, I.T. Zvarych (2019). Features of leather and fur materials: еducation publication;
• O.А. Андреєва (2003). Фізика та хімія протеїнів: підручник;
• В.І. Ніколаєвич (2014). Анатомія і фізіологія сільськогосподарських тварин: навчальний посібник;
• М.Е. Дзержинський та ін. (2011). Загальна цитологія та гістологія. Ч.2: Гістологія: навчальний посібник.