
Personal Details:
Degrees: PhD in Technical Sciences,
Associate professor (KNUTD)
Date of Birth: 01/04/1982
E-mail: nikolaevatd@gmail.com
Scientific interests and research area, professional skills: art design and base structure, tectonic and bionic principles of structuring, design of modern clothes on the basis on historical and national costume, design of children’s cloth.
Languages :
Russian, English, Macedonian
1999-2003 bachelor study Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design (KNUTD), graduate – the department of artistic designing of costume, qualification Bachelor of Art
2003-2004 master’s study Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design (KNUTD), graduate – the department of artistic designing of costume, qualification Master of design
2004-2007 postgraduate studies Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design (KNUTD)
from 2014 PhD in Technical Sciences
from 2015 Associate professor
Union membership
from 2014 a member of Designer’s Union of Ukraine
The author of more than 80 scientific and methodological works in art and design area as: articles, theses, textbook, scientific, methodological, discipline tutorials
International participation in conferences, competitions and festivals (recently, with students/personal):
1st International Cultural Exchange Photography Competition COSTUME OF WARMS, 2018 , Hong Kong, China
Culture · Trans Disciplinary– 2018 International Youth Design Competition (IYDC) and Static Exhibition , October 2017, 2018, Beijing, China
International Young Designers Competition REMIX EURASIA. Istanbul 2017, 2018
International design competition Epson Digital Fashion in Ukrainian Fashion week, 2017- 2019
International design competition New name’s in Ukrainian Fashion week 2014- 2019
International design competition New Fashion Zone in Ukrainian Fashion week 2017- 2019
International fashion festival KYIV FASHION 2013-2019
International Scientific and Practical Conference Actual Problems of Today Design 2018