Olha Kyslova





Title, Name: Ph.D. Olha V. Kyslova 

Affiliation and address:

Department of Electrochemical Power Engineering & Chemistry

Kiev National University of Technologies & Design

2, Nemirovich-Danchenko str., Kiev, 02011, Ukraine.

Phones: +380 0507035415 (mob.); +380 44 256 2102 (lab.);

E-mail: kievkislova@gmail.com

Date and place of birth: May 4th, 1968, Kiev, UKRAINE

Citizenship: Ukrainian




chemist, lecturer,

Master of Science

Taras Shevchenko Kyiv State University, specialty Chemistry - chemistry of natural compounds 



Ph.D. (Bioorganic chemistry)

Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences, Institute of organic Chemistry, Kiev



Associate professor of Electrochemical     

Power   Engineering & Chemistry         

Engineering & Chemistry Department   

Kiev National University of Technologies & Design




 Working Experience







Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences, Institute of Organic Chemistry, Kiev










Senior Lecturer

Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine, Institute of Pharmacology&Toxicology, Kiev

Kiev National University of Technologies & Design

2010- to the present time

Associate professor of the Department (Electrochemical Power Engineering & Chemistry)


Kiev National University of

Technologies & Design



 Mother tongue(s): Russian, Ukrainian

Other language: English

List of subjects taught: General and inorganic chemistry”, “Chemistry and materials science”, “Structural materials and corrosion protection”, Modern methods of analysis and control of electrochemical processes”.


1.Golubev A.V., Lysin V.I., Borisenko Y.V., Tarasenko G.V., Kyslova O.V., Makyeyeva I.S., Chernysh O.V. General and inorganic chemistry (general chemistry). Questions, Tasks, Exercises: Tutorial for practical classes and independent work of students in the field of study Chemical Technology and Engineering. - K .: KNUTD, 2011. – 272 p.

2. Golubev A.V., Lysin V.I., Borisenko Y.V., Tarasenko G.V., Kyslova O.V., Makyeyeva I.S., Chernysh O.V. General and inorganic chemistry (chemistry of elements and their compounds). Questions, Tasks, Exercises // Tutorial for practical classes and independent work of students in the field of study  Chemical Technology and Engineering - K .: KNUTD, 2011. - 132 p.

3.Kyslova O.V., Makyeyeva I.S. Fundamentals of electrochemistry: a textbook for students specialty 161 Chemical technologies and engineering, educational program Technical electrochemistry and electrochemical energy - K.: KNUTD, 2017. -128 p.

4. Makyeyeva I.S., Kyslova O.V., Andreetseva M.V. Electrochemical ecology and its application: Tutorial. – K.: KNUTD, 2018. - 216 p.


Participation in a Train the Trainer course on Electrochemistry and Biocorrosion for an international public, in the frame of a KA107 Erasmus+ project. Antwerp Maritime Academy (Belgium), 02.04.2019-12.04.2019. Exchange of modern teaching experiences and modern methodologies at the tertiary level.


Fields of Activity, Practical Experience:

 Main fields: electrochemical sensors, enzymatic kinetics

 Other fields: the effect of biologically active substances on the enzymatic systems   activity


Publications and Patents: papers in refereed journals - 40; communications at the scientific meetings - 20.

Selected publications

1. Ivanova I., Tishkin S., Kyslova O., Kizub I., Soloviev A. The EDHF component of the endothelium-dependent relaxation constitutes a reserve mechanism of vasodilatation under radiation impact// Basic&Clin.Pharmac&Toxicol.-2008.- V.102, s1. - P.30

2. Ivanova I., Kyslova O., Soloviev A. Endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor as a reserve defense mechanism of the vascular control under ionizing radiation impact // International journal of physiology and pathophysiology. - 2012, 3(2).- P.161-173.

3. Kyslova O.V. Advantages of using Clark-type electrodes for determining the nitrogen (II) oxide concentration and the content of its stable metabolites - nitrite and nitrate - anions in biological samples // Bulletin of KNUTD. - 2013. - № 5 (73).- p.106-111.

4.Kyslova O.V. Trends in the development of various types electrochemical sensors. // Bulletin of KNUTD. - 2014. - № 6 (80). Technology and Design Series. - C. 135-142.

5. Kyslova O.V. Electrochemical enzymatic biosensors. // Bulletin of KNUTD. - 2016. - №6 (104). - P.204-211.
6. Kyslova O.V. Modern methods of modification of electrochemical sensors using nanomaterials and nanotechnologies // Bulletin of KNUTD. - 2017 - T.108, №2 (108). - C. 140-147.

7. Kyslova O.V. Prospects of ionic liquids application in electrochemistry // Bulletin of KNUTD. - 2018. –№4 (124) .- P.38-45.



Presentations at the conferences, proceedings

1. Kyslova O.V. Functioning of NO - synthase system under experimental arterial hypertension of different etiology. Proceedings of an international scientific conference on World Health Day on the prevention, detection and treatment of hypertension (April 4-5, 2013). - Kyiv, Eastern European Journal of Public Health. - 2013. - № 1. - p.153-154.

2. Patlun D.V., Kyslova O.V. Bioelectric potentials: mechanism of origin and functioning, biological role. Perspective materials and processes in technical electrochemistry: monograph / total. ed. V.S. Barsukov. - K .: KNUTD, 2016. - P. 277-282.

3.Kyslova O.V. Modernization of electrochemical sensors using nanomaterials. Proceedings of the International Scientific and Technical Conference “Modern Electrochemical Technologies and Equipment - 2017 ”(November 28-30, 2017, Minsk, Belarus).

4. Kyslova O., Monko A.  Substituted Benzoic Acid Amidesas the modifiers of the Ethanol Bioelectrooxidation Using NAD+-dependent Alcoholdehydrogenase. The 4th Satellite Regional Symposium of the International Electrochemical Society in Ukraine “Perspective materials and processes in applied electrochemistry” (May 15, 2019, Kyiv, Ukraine).

5. Kyslova O.V. Modern electrochemical development trends with the ionic liquids application. Proceedings of the International Scientific and Technical Conference “Modern Electrochemical Technologies and Equipment - 2019”(May 13-17, 2019, Minsk, Belarus).